Airport Location

1146 Airport Road, Minden, Nevada
39° 00.03' N | 119° 45.18'W
4,726' MSL

Airport Identifier


Hours of Operation

Admin Office: 8-5 Mon-Fri
Airport: 24/7


CTAF/UNICOM - 123.050
AWOS - 119.325 | (775) 782-6264
NORCAL APP - 119.200
Clearance Delivery - 133.250
Flight Service Station (Reno) - 122.500

Contact Numbers

Admin Office: (775) 782-9871

After Hour Emergency (County Dispatch):
(775) 782-5126

Runway Information

Runway 16/34: 7,400' x 100' (Asphalt)
Runway 12/30: 5,300' x 75' (Asphalt)
Runway 30G: 2,200' x 60' (Dirt)

Calm Wind Runway: Runway 34

Powered Traffic


Powered aircraft are encouraged to enter the traffic patterns from the west side of the airport. Please avoid overflight of residential areas.

Glider Traffic


Minden-Tahoe Airport is a renown soaring location and is home to many glider pilots. Glider traffic traditionally departs Runway 30 from the glider staging ramp and will conduct a 270° left turn to overfly mid-field while departing to the east. Inbound glider traffic will enter the patter from the east side of the airport.