The duties of the Airport Advisory Committee are:

(1) To provide recommendations to the county commissioners on the general subject of aviation issues related to the airport. Specifically, the committee shall assist in promoting community compatibility regarding issues including, but not limited to, as noise management and public relations, shall review proposed master plan changes, and shall assist staff in the development and execution of an airport marketing plan. Generally, the committee shall make recommendations on airport policy to the county commissioners.

(2) The committee may hear comments on airport and aviation matters from the public or other agencies for consideration and possible recommendations to the county commissioners.

(3) The committee shall advance and promote the interests of aviation and protect the general welfare of the people living and working at or near the airport, and in the county.

Douglas County, Nevada – Code of Ordinance, Chapter 2.58.060 – Advisory Duties


Richard Chapman

Richard Chapman

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Michael Bradford

Michael Bradford

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Linda Mae Hivert

Linda Mae Hivert

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Virginia Starrett

Virginia Starrett

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Tim Gardner

Tim Gardner

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Jim Lee

Jim Lee

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Robert Trumbly

Robert Trumbly

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