Make your dream a reality! Learning to fly has never been so easy and rewarding. High Sierra Pilots offers a well-rounded fleet of aircraft and knowledgeable flight instructors who are ready to get you into the air.
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Soaring NV provides tourist and aviation enthusiast a chance to experience the calm and serenity of gliding. Book a ride or begin instruction today!
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Skydive Lake Tahoe offers a thrilling experience and breathtaking views of Lake Tahoe and the surrounding area. Tandem jumps from over 10,000 feet provide an adrenaline rush like no other.
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Sports Aviation Foundation's Build-A-Plane program offers youth ages 13-18 the opportunity to participate in building an real airplane. Youth meet every Saturday morning to gain this hands-on experience
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Volunteers Serving America’s Communities, Saving Lives, and Shaping Futures Today’s cadets . . . tomorrow’s aerospace leaders
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Learning to Fly

Learning to fly has never been so rewarding! Minden-Tahoe Airport is home to the High Sierra Pilot’s Flight Club. The club not only offers aircraft for people to rent but also has experienced and professional flight instructors ready to guide you through the process of becoming a license pilot. The basic requirements for a private pilot are:

  • At lease 40 hours of flight time
  • Be at least 17 at the time of the check ride
  • Apply for and receive a medical evaluation
  • Pass the written knowledge test
  • Pass the practical exam with a FAA examiner

For more information contact High Sierra Pilots to have a more in-depth conversation about learning to fly | (775) 782-9595

Learning to Glide and Tourist Rides

Whether you are looking to learn the art of gliding or just wanting a breathtaking tour of Lake Tahoe and the Carson Valley, SoaringNV has an experience for you! The basic requirements for a private glider pilot are:

  • At lease 10 hours of flight time a least 20 flights
  • Be at least 14 to solo and at least 16 the time of the check ride
  • Pass the written knowledge test
  • Pass the practical exam with a FAA examiner

For more information or to schedule a ride contact SoaringNV | (775) 782-9595


Experience the ultimate adrenaline rush by jumping out of an airplane in mid-flight. Tandem jumps are available for both Carson Valley residents and tourist alike. Be taken around beautiful Lake Tahoe while climbing up to an altitude of over 10,000 feet above the ground. Once the door opens, you will be thrust out into an exciting free-fall before landing safely back at the Minden-Tahoe Airport. Contact Skydive Lake Tahoe @ (775) 790-7602 to schedule today!

Youth Build-A-Plane

Youth who are looking to get hands-on with building an airplane are invited to meet at the Sport’s Aviation Foundation hangar Saturday morning. The young people involved in this project are gaining structural and mechanical skills needed to build and maintain aircraft. There are no membership fees or costs to teens that want to participate, and new members are always welcome.

For more information click here to reach out to the project managers.

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program

The Minden Squadron offers a cadet program for the youth in the Carson Valley. Meeting Tuesday nights at the airport, cadets are challenged and educated in the roles of leadership, aerospace education, fitness, and character development. There are currently over 25,000 cadets, ages 12-18, nationally in the CAP Cadet Programs. Cadets are also offered flight time in the squadron’s glider and powered aircraft.

Check out their Facebook Page for more information .