The Fiscal year 2023-2027 Douglas County Economic Vitality Plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners in December 2021. Airport Administration and airport champions work closely with the Economic Vitality Manager  to promote the Minden-Tahoe Airport throughout the community and find new and exciting ways to contribute to the economic growth of of the community.  

View the Douglas County Economic Vitality Plan


A Community to match the scenery will be recognized as a  best place to live, work, learn and play.


Develop a thriving climate for business & learning

Support Minden-Tahoe Airport business and sports aviation growth, as well as preservation and improvement of infrastructure and services, through a close working cooperation of the Airport Administration and the non-profit Sports Aviation Foundation. Minden- Tahoe Airport has become an integral asset to the economic vitality of the community with a reported economic impact of $56 million.


Douglas County leadership works in partnership with public, private and non-profit sector champions to launch economic vitality projects, growing the economy through business, education, recreation, and innovation.

 Guiding Principles for Prioritization of Projects:

The following guidelines are utilized to ensure that chosen projects will enhance the economy and quality of life for residents of Douglas County.

  • Improve Business Climate
  • Enhance education and workforce
  • Preserve natural environment & improve infrastructure.
  • Project support unique & marketable businesses.
  • Ranking and score by interviewee and online survey respondents.
  • Common ground projects that benefit residents, visitors, businesses & employees.

Vision: New power and glider hangar facilities to meet tenants needs alongside complimentary aeronautical businesses.             

Champion: Linda Mae Hivert

Elevate Minden-Tahoe Airport to the world’s premiere sport aviation destination 

    • Community Involvement

    • International Awareness

    • Noise management and public relations

    • Review of proposed changes to the airport element of the master plan

    •  development and execution of an airport marketing plan.

The Minden-Tahoe Airport will strive to advance and promote the interest of aviation and protect the general welfare of the people living and working at or near the airport and in the county.